Always Included

A Command Force membership always includes an unlimited number of customers, unlimited properties, unlimited estimates, unlimited work orders, unlimited invoices, unlimited customer payments, unlimited services, unlimited inventory, unlimited equipment, unlimited storage locations, and so on. The only thing that may become limited is the amount of server storage for old files like generated invoices and work orders, but we've never had to purge a server.

Membership Pricing/Fees

Membership fees can be monthly, or yearly for a reduced rate. Rates increase as the number of employees increases, with the cost per employee decrasing as the count increases. Membership levels can be changed anytime, with defined fee adjustments. Incrasing your membership level means you can add more employees to your account and the cost increases with a prorated charge at the time your level increases, then monthly billing resumes at the higher rate at the next payment period. If your employee count decreases and then your membership level decreases, your next monthly payment is adjusted down. Accounts paid yearly that decrease their membership level will receive a prorated refund at the time of membership change and resume at the current level on the next payment period.

Fair Membership Fees

Our membership fees are intended to reflect the industry and support our staff, servers, and company operations. Read our Terms of Service for more details. We offer a variety of free trial and demo periods to help you evaluate our member services fully before committing to a paid account. Demo memberships come with certain restrictions and limitations. We reserve the right to cancel any membership that demonstrates unacceptably abusive, illicit, or immoral behavior.

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